A Robin in the Woodstove
A Robin in the Woodstove by Laura A. Munson Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune–without the words, And never stops at all –Emily Dickinson March 18, 2003 I was...
View ArticleChosen
There is a small pond, a marsh really, that sits in the middle of our meadow. Each year a pair of Golden Eyes, a pair of Buffleheads, and a pair of Mallards come to breed. The swallows divebomb them....
View ArticleRed-winged Blackbird
Listen to this while you read the below: This song gets in my head toward the end of winter, which means I am ready for the call of spring. Each year it happens in the marsh behind my house: the …...
View ArticleSpring
First a red-winged blackbird, and now robins. Is it really here? Spring by Mary Oliver Somewhere a black bear has just risen from sleep and is staring down the mountain. All night in the brisk and...
View ArticleSpring-blind
Today is Easter and I am officially on vacation after what has been a wonderful two plus weeks on the road. Thanks to all of you who came to my readings. I met some truly phenomenal people. As I sat...
View ArticleLong Ago: Community Entry #25
As you may know, I am spending a few months in the dormancy of winter, working on a book. And, like last year at this time, I am offering my blog to you. Last year we looked into our Breaking Points …...
View ArticleMontana Ode to Spring– A Walk In The Woods
…in honor of all mothers of every kind everywhere… “If it’s wild to your own heart, protect it. Preserve it. Love it. And fight for it, and dedicate yourself to it, whether it’s a mountain range, your...
View ArticleFree Fall– An Encounter With an Owl Today
I saw this owl today in our meadow. I’ve lived in Montana for 25 years on this meadow. We don’t see owls during the day. We don’t see owls unless we are very lucky and unless we are paying attention. …...
View ArticleOde to Jim Harrison
Now Booking our Haven Writing Retreat 2016 calendar June 8-12 (still room) June 22-26 (full) September 7-11 September 21-25 October 5-9 October 19-23 Ode to Jim (1937-2016) I have started nearly every...
View ArticleFull Nest
Listen to the sounds of my Montana marsh Every spring when the birds come back I feel so grateful, and also, a little bewildered. Are we really that worthy? How can they leave Belize or Costa Rica...
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